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Three out of Five Texan Trump Supporters Want Secession if Hillary Wins

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Three out of five Donald Trump supporters in Texas would support the state seceding from the Union if Hillary Clinton is elected, according to a new poll.

As TIME magazine reports, 61% of Trump supporters would want the state to secede in the event of a Clinton presidency. Trump is leading in Texas with 50% of the vote. Clinton trails the real estate mogul by six points, sitting at 44%.

However, Texans hold an unfavorable opinion of both candidates overall. 59% of voters see Clinton as an unfavorable choice, with 53% seeing Trump that way. The numbers come from Democratic pollster Public Policy Polling. Trump’s lead in the Lone Star State is almost entirely based on his standing with seniors. He leads Clinton 63% to 33% among Texans over 65. Overall, 40% of Texans would support secession if Clinton wins in November.